Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Taking Care Of What I Have Control Over

"Appearances are deceiving."

That's what I told myself this morning.

That's what I told myself to encourage me.

I was feeling pretty good, feeling pretty light, thinking the scale was going to give me a good number.

It didn't.

I was up 1.4 pounds from this same time yesterday.

My mind said, I know fluctuations are normal, it never goes just straight down.

But that didn't work.

Another voice in my head countered back, "Yeah but you maintained your calorie deficit yesterday just as you have every day for the past 2 1/2 weeks, what's going on?  I'm worried."

Appearances can be deceiving.

Even though what appeared on the scale was a weight gain, I was feeling good.

So I ignored what appeared on the scale.

I looked in the mirror.

I'm looking pretty good.

Not as good as I want, but better than I was.

And I'm still moving in the right direction.

I'm taking care of the things I have control over.

I'm fasting 18 hours a day.

I'm fasting to allow my body to repair itself (autophagy). +Autophagy

I'm fasting because it makes a 1000 calorie a day deficit much easier to maintain. +CalorieDeficit

I'm taking care of the things I have control over and that's what's important.

Appearances are deceiving.

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