Sunday, February 8, 2015

How I'm Breaking Through My Weight Loss Plateau

The weight loss plateau.  It's frustrating. +WeightLossPlateau

Up a pound.  Down a pound.  But never breaking through that level.

Still doing all the things that were working last week.  Suddenly, the weight loss stops.

What's going on?

I'm no doctor but here's what I read.

Most likely my hormones have adjusted my metabolism.  +Hormones +Metabolism

After 4 weeks of daily calorie deficit, my lizard brain said, "whoa, hold on, we may be in a famine here, let's conserve energy". +CalorieDeficit +LizardBrain

It's part of what makes the basic equation (calories in=calories out) such bullshit.  There's a lot more to it than that.

So what am I going to do about it?

Most low-carb diets recommend a "cheat day" to reset the hormones.  This gets the lizard brain out of "oh shit" mode. +LowCarb +CheatDay

I'm not following a low-carb diet right now.  Would this work with a daily intermittent fasting as well? +DailyIntermittentFasting

I tried it on Friday.  Didn't quite eat my maintenance calorie load but I went over my normal 1000-calorie daily deficit.  Made sure to eat lots of crap too.  Double Quarter Pounder.  Fries.  Heath Bar.  Red Vines.  Soda.  Movie Popcorn.

Hard to believe I didn't go over my maintenance calories right?  I'm pretty fat.  My plateau is at 201 after starting at 213.  I've got a daily calorie maintenance allowance of 2600-calories.

So what happened?  I had a cheat day on Friday.  I was pretty hungry most of the day Saturday.

When I woke this morning, Sunday, I broke through my plateau, 200 even.


Another recommendation was to switch focus.  Stop weight loss mode.  Start muscle build mode. +WeightLoss +MuscleBuilding

The author of this advice said the plateau should come around the 6 month or 10% of body weight mark.  This wasn't true for me.  I plateaued at week 5 and 5% of body weight.

I'll switch to muscle building eventually.  I do a little every day now.  Wasn't ready to make the switch to full-time yet.  I'm still a fat jiggly slob in the mirror.  If the cheat day doesn't work next week maybe I'll consider it.


How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau by Monica Reinagel, MS, LD/N, CNS

A New Look at Weight Loss Plateaus edited by Rachel Berman

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