Friday, May 22, 2015

Three Daily Habits for Health

I wanted to call this post, 3 Habits I Do Every Day for Better Health, but it's not true.  Yet.

The following are 3 SIMPLE practices that I have done at various times.  I've noticed a pretty consistent pattern, maybe you've experienced it too.  I develop a good habit.  I stick with it pretty easily for 3 or 4 months, then something changes externally - a schedule change, a new pressure - something that causes me to make an adjustment, and then all of my good habits fall to the ground like plates I was spinning in the air.

I consider these 3 things to be the bare minimum of leading a healthy lifestyle.  These 3 things don't make me healthy by themselves, but it would be hard to consider myself healthy if I wasn't doing them.  These 3 things certainly won't make me fit.

As I start to rebuild my healthy lifestyle, these 3 habits are the foundation.

1.  Drink 3+ liters of water.
2.  Walk 10,000+ steps.
3.  Fast 16+ hours.

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