Saturday, January 3, 2015

This Blog Was Born In Meditation

This blog began in a moment of inspiration.

Earlier this year I began the habit of meditation.

I say its a habit because (for the most part), I do it every day.  About a month ago, I started using a system that has helped me maintain this habit with even greater consistency, but more on that another time.

I find that inspiration comes to me more regularly during my time meditating than at any other time of life.

Sometimes I even use meditation to answer a specific question I'm struggling with.

Today was one of those days.

Over the past few weeks, I have been refining a system that allows me to be a creator of information and not merely a consumer.  Today I found myself with over a dozen ideas that I wanted to explore and dig deeper into.

My system is improving at a terrific rate, but at this point in time, I find processing one thought from idea to article is about all I can handle each day.

So what should I write about?  That was the question I asked before settling down to meditate.

The answer came quickly.

When asked what makes him so productive, Richard Branson answered, "working out".

I wasn't thinking about this story at any point today or in the past few days.  Yet, it came to me while meditating.  I knew it was the answer.

So why start a new blog?

I don't know exactly.  For some reason I like to have the different areas of my life compartmentalized.  

I have been posting thoughts and various bits of scrap from my mind in an blog called Write The Book, but that didn't feel like the appropriate place to be writing about fitness.

The term Uncompromising Fitness came to me shortly after remembering the story about Branson and asking myself where should I post this information.

Since this blog will follow the format that I have been having success with lately in other areas of my life, I decided to host it here on Blogger instead of a self-hosted site.

My process is this.  I find an article that has an idea I want to remember.  I transcribe the article (this helps me take in the information on a deeper level) and I add my thoughts and comments to it.

Since most of the content on this blog can be found other places (duplicate content in Google SEO speak), I'm hosting it here, not expecting it to rank in the search engines, not even really expecting any to read it.

If you do find yourself reading this blog.  I give credit to the authors of the original work in the title and in a link at the bottom of the article.  Please go to the original article and view the information straight from the source.  

I'm starting to believe there's a reason for everything that happens to us (it doesn't have to be a profound reason, just a reason).  If you find yourself here on my blog, I'm guessing the reason is so that I can introduce you to the original work that I'm writing from.

Whether you go to the original source of my ideas or stay here, I'd like to ask you to do one thing.

I'm going to ask you to do one thing and I'm going to ask you to do it for you, not me.

If you took any time to read an article, make something out of it and at least leave a comment.
Leaving a comment about one thing you get from an article helps you to remember that bit of information.

I'm realizing a mistake I've been making for too many years is skimming over tons of information, trying to improve my life, but not making that information a part of me.  In essence, I've been spinning my wheels because the time spent reading did precious little to change me and help me grow.

So please don't make the mistake I've been making, leave a comment.  In my opinion, it's the simplest thing you can do make the most of the time you've spent with me, or the article I've introduced you too.

Thanks for reading.

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