Thursday, August 6, 2015

This is your body on caffeine

from an email by Shawn Hadsall

THIS is YOUR body on caffeine:

Within Seconds: Caffeine is both water and fat soluble so it’s
quickly absorbed in the stomach lining, small intestine, and
shows up later in all sorts of bodily fluids.

10 Minutes In: The caffeine “buzz” kicks in when it attaches itself
to adenosine receptors, which allows natural stimulants and other
endorphins to work their magic without interruption.

30 Minutes In: Caffeine reaches is “peak” as it slows down your
body’s ability to absorb dopamine—a neurotransmitter that helps
you feel motivated, energized, and focuses.

1 to 5 Hours Later: Your body realizes it has been drugged, forcing
it to release adrenaline in self defense.

This elevates your heart rate, causes blood vessels to constrict,
and can even increase blood pressure.

5-6 Hours Later: The buzz subsides as your liver breaks down the
caffeine and withdrawal kicks in.

Your blood vessels relax and you may feel a wave of fatigue—
or the onset of a nasty headache.

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